Dear Parents,
For the past 18 years, Cafe' Terias Inc. has been helping schools along the Jersey Shore increase and improve the efficiency of their school lunch programs. Our goal is to provide students with satisfying, healthy and affordable lunches.
Bayhead students can start ordering their lunches on a weekly or monthly basis. Order forms will be sent home with the weekly envelope and must be returned by Friday with cash or check payment. Checks should be made out to Cafe Terias inc, with the student's name and grade clearly written on the order form and/or envelope so we can accurately keep track of all lunch orders. Within a couple weeks, we will be implementing an online ordering system for your convenience.
If a student will be absent on a day that he/she has ordered lunch, a credit can be issued if the meal is canceled prior to 9am on that day by calling the Cafe' Teria office at
732 899 2669
A daily head count will be taken in the morning for the daily chef's special ONLY. If the student orders in the morning as opposed to preordering, the daily special will be $4.00. Child Nutrition approved snacks and beverages will be available for daily sales in the lunch room, CASH ONLY.
Cafe' Terias is looking forward to working with the Bayhead School Community. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions please feel free to call us at
732 899 2669
or email us at
. Please look for and participate in our lunch preferences survey in the coming weeks.
Mike and Carrie Godesky